
Download PhotoSuite 3 Photo Editor v3.2.184 APK - Aplikasi Edit Foto Android

PhotoSuite adalah aplikasi foto studio dengan kemampuan luas. Dari Photoshop Etsensial seperti editing gambar fun efek,  penggabungan gambar, kolase gambar dan gambar sketsa untuk alat-alat seni foto canggih seperti bekerja dengan lapisan/layer dan masker serta pemilihan kompleks benda - PhotoSuite memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat gambar yang menakjubkan. Berbagi hasil dengan teman dan keluarga di jaringan sosial, penyimpanan awan atau melalui email

Aplikasi edit foto ini terbaik menurut saya untuk versi android karena dengan berbagai fitur di dalamnya di antaranya :

  • Improve your photos - crop photos, apply fine tone and color changes to get the best of your photos.
  • Use advanced photo designer tools – work with layers to combine pictures and create work-of- art collages.
  • Enhance your images with graphical text and free drawing.
  • Work with picture filters and effects - Invert , Grayscale, Pointillize, Crystallize, Exposure, Posterize, Diffuse, Contrast, Displace, Kaleidoscope, Marble, Ripple, Block, Weave, Oil, Reduce noise, Sharpen, Edge.
  • File formats – PhotoSuite works in its own native format but can open and export images to the commonly used PNG, JPEG and gs formats.
  • Use comprehensive selection tools and grouping of objects to quickly and easily handle parts of your image.
  • Take advantage of your device camera to capture photos and include them in your image projects.
  • Share images – PhotoSuite allows you to share images with your family and friends – in social networks such as Facebook, Google +, Picassa or Twitter; in your cloud accounts like Dropbox (via their third party applications); as email attachments.

Keterangan :

Ukruan : 4MB
Android : 2.2 Ke atas


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