
AndoirD Game Ninja killer: Zombies run

Cara Instal: (Ketika kamu download file lewat pc):
a)Untuk  Android games WITHOUT cache
1. Download  file nya.
2.  -  - - - - - -  -
3.masuk ke folder game dan copy files ke  ph mu
4. jalakna instalasi game(*.apk)
5. tunggu hingga istal selesai . dan saatnya main.

b) Untuk Android games WITH cache 
1. Download the game cache and *.apk installation file. 
2. Extract the archive with the game cache (by 7z or WinRAR) and copy extracted files to your phone to the folder which is specified in the game description. Make sure the game cache file location is correct. 
3. Then install the game (*.apk) on your android phone. 

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